Friday, April 29, 2011


Triptych 1

To begin my Triptych, I began by taking random pictures outside.  I chose to take random pictures in the nature for my Triptych because I thought that they would be an interesting object with different textures.  For my first Triptych I changed the colour of my pictures completely to make them more interesting.  I chose the colour purple to be the main colour of all the pictures because it gave the overall picture a cool calm feeling.  It also gave all three pictures something in common which helped tie them together.  I liked using this technique for this picture because it made it look more interesting by highlighting different parts of the plants and objects with different shades of purple, and in some parts blue.  

Triptych 2

For my second Triptych I decided to over express the colours in each picture.  I used the enhance modifier to brighten the colours in each picture which also helped tied the pictures together.  In this Triptych I used the rule of 1/3 to help evenly separate each picture

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Multicultural assignment

For my Multicultural poster I decided to make its main focus point a peace symbol surrounded by hands of different cultures.  I thought it was a good way to represent the multicultural festival because without peace there is war,  So the peace symbol was a good symbol to bring the different cultures together.  My poster also expresses its message in a simple way.  I tried to keep the main information on my poster limited so that it wouldn't look over whelmed.  "One World Living Together" is also in a colourful font to show that it is the theme of the event/ poster. For the background I put a simple map of the world to add some colour, but not too much to make it the main focus of the overall picture.  I think my poster would be a good choice to represent the Multicultural Festival because overall it represents different culturals of people coming together in peace.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Photojournalism ethics

Part One:
In our society today I believe that there should be more of an ethical approach when coming to photojournalism.  Its understandable that journalists are trying to get there message across by showing detailed pictures, but there comes a point were there should be a limit on what you show.  Everyone in our world is human whether you make a mistake or not.  Celebrities are the main people that get criticized every day in the media.  Although they are looked up to by many people there comes a point when they should be left privacy.  When you see a picture in a magazine of celebrities partying and out of control, or crying over something that has upset them in their life, that's their life and their business that no one else should have to know about.  This also causes people to look down on the celebrities because they are put in a bad spot light.  What people don't realize is that everyone makes mistakes and everyone has emotions and the freedom to be who they want to be.  There should be more respect shown towards peoples everyday lives and situations.  I think that most people would agree that if they were put in the spot light for the world to see, that they would hate to see a criticizing photo, but would much rather prefer seeing a photo of them doing a good deed.  This is why I believe that there should an ethical approach towards photojournalism

Part Two:

I chose this picture because it shows that the students are also interested in what the candidates have to say about their future.  As the students were asking questions, I took pictures because it shows that although most of us aren't of age to vote yet, the questions they ask and the answers they get from the candidates are still important because it's there future that is also being affected by their decisions. 


I chose this picture because it shows that John Lawson wants to make a positive connection with the students at our school.   In the chapel after the presentation John Lawson showed that he was interested in the questions that were asked by students.  He showed lots of respect by taking his time to explain what the Green Party was all about, and what he would do to help ensure that the future would change positively. 

For my voting poster I decided to get the message accross for voting through a superhero logo.  Everyone is familiar with Superman, he has super powers and helps save the people around him who are in danger.  Since we live in a democratic governement and everyone has the right to vote, everyone should let themselves be heard.  Everyones vote makes a difference which means everyone has the power to make a difference in our country.